In the recent pandemic spreading across the globe, there are plenty of positive turnarounds getting achieved. Most of them are in the technology area like WFH (Work from Home), LFH (Learn from Home) and EFH (Entertain from Home).
The Internet has really revolutionized every perception, in the way, how we work, learn, and entertain. These days every house has in some way connected to the rest of the world, be it in terms of Mobile data or Broadband. If computers and laptops have become an affordability issue, then Mobile comes to the rescue.

Words like Webinar, Conference calls, Live streaming, Webcasting, collaborative tools to share and work on the same documents etc., have become very common; and they are spreading its wings to every household. Religious sermons being attended thru Live streaming, Music Festivals being conducted thru Web casting, Guest Lectures are participated with students interaction thru Webinars have become like walk in the park.
Even the Queens & Kings and their Royal family members are doing video conferences to connect with their team.
College professors and School teachers are tuning their skills to teach through online, where tools like Moodle, Classroom, WordPress, Drupal, Zoomla are helping in easily uploading the teaching contents, conduct quiz sessions, exchange forums, testing examinations, verifying evaluation and issuing certificates like breeze.
Tools like Teams, Meet, Webex, Gotomeeting are helping executives and managers to meet their team to exchange notes and ideas and collaboratively work together in the professional world.

Coworking spaces have brought the travelling CEO, COO, CXOs to seamlessly connect, mingle and execute their day to day business without any stoppage.
Music is being composed from multi voice, multi point connectivity and being collaboratively synthesised.
Even Government organizations are encouraging their workforce to connect and implement many of its schemes, like financially benefiting a certain section of the affected population. It also encourages people to transact completely through electronic transfer methods, so the benefits and ease of use makes the common man adopt the technology very conveniently.
Telemedicine, Appointment booking, and video consulting apps have been rolled out to the majority of the public in the last 3 months – thanks to the bare necessities of keeping social distancing.
E-commerce business went up 80% as customers who normally shy away from online shopping had to learn these skills to order food and household essentials.
So, for IT vendors, Training and Consulting firms, it’s time to connect with any prospect and help them jump on the Digital bandwagon. It’s a humongous opportunity that can’t be missed.
Yes – the best outcome of Covid is reducing the Digital division in society!